The exomotion® hand one uses a sensor to detect the contraction of a muscle of the hand that is still functional and thus detects the intention to move. The software uses the sensor signal to control the high-performance microdrives. These specifically transmit force into the exomechanics, which open and close the fingers and thus provide them with the necessary grip strength. All components are mounted on a load-bearing rail, which is manufactured and adapted to the patient’s individual needs. In case of complete paralysis, the sensor can alternatively be placed on other muscles, such as .dem triceps or on the chest. Basic settings of the orthosis can be made via a control element. This is done by the orthopaedic technician. The orthosis can be put on, started and operated during operation by the patient himself.

Next event : REHACARE International - 25.09.2024 - 28.09.2024