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Frequently Asked Questions & Answers
HKK Bionics is a company specializing in the development and manufacture of medical aids, especially in the field of technical orthopedics. Our product “exomotion® hand one” is a myoelectric hand orthosis designed for people with paralyzed hands. The orthosis uses advanced technology to support the functions of the hand and allow us to be more independent in everyday life.
We also offer various services, training and fittings for specialist orthopaedics companies. Our company places great emphasis on developing innovative solutions for people with special needs, and we work closely with healthcare professionals to create individual care solutions.
The exomotion® hand one is a myoelectric hand orthosis and is intended as an everyday aid that supports, facilitates or enables gripping processes. It is suitable for people with paralysis or partial paralysis of the hand.
The exomotion® hand one uses a sensor to detect the contraction of a muscle of the hand that is still functional and thus detects the intention to move. The software uses the sensor signal to control the high-performance microdrives. These specifically transmit force into the exomechanics, which open and close the fingers and thus provide them with the necessary grip strength. All components are mounted on a load-bearing rail, which is manufactured and adapted to the patient’s individual needs. In case of complete paralysis, the sensor can alternatively be placed on other muscles, such as .dem triceps or on the chest. Basic settings of the orthosis can be made via a control element. This is done by the orthopaedic technician. The orthosis can be put on, started and operated during operation by the patient himself.
The exomotion hand one fulfils important requirements for completely paralyzed hands. These are, for example:
- Re-enabling gripping function in case of complete paralysis
- Separate movement of the fingers possible (6 different grip patterns), range of motion adjustable in each case
- Moves all fingers
- Different types of gripping possible for activities of daily living
- Can be used as a portable everyday aid for immediate disability compensation
- No remote control required for control
- Patient-specific production
- Compact design, can be worn under clothing
Many products do not meet these requirements or only partially meet them. The exomotion® hand one can also be used for partial paralysis or very weak hands.
A prosthesis is an artificial replacement of a missing, amputated or incompletely formed body part.
An orthosis is an orthopaedic aid attached externally to the body that is intended to relieve, stabilise or correct joints, muscles or bones, complementing their form and function.
In short: prosthesis replaces missing body part, orthosis supports the form and function of a body part.
The impulse control works with a sensor and controls the orthosis via the adjustable distinction between a short and a long muscle tension. You don’t have to maintain muscle tension to keep your hand closed. The active control works with a sensor and controls the orthosis directly via permanent muscle tension. As long as you keep the muscle actively tense, the brace engages, when you relax the muscle, the brace opens. The 2-channel control works with 2 sensors. With a short muscle tension, open or close the brace. You don’t have to maintain muscle tension to keep your hand closed or open.
Yes, with the pulse and 2-channel controls, the grip force can be controlled via the signal amplitude. The higher the amplitude, the stronger the grip force.
For patients
An increasing number of large statutory health insurers have already covered the costs of exomotion® hand one. In addition, costs are covered by company and private health insurance companies. For further and up-to-date information, please do not hesitate to contact us. The following German health insurance companies have already recognized the groundbreaking potential of orthoses of the exomotion® family and have approved innovative treatments for their patients:
- AOK Baden-Württemberg
- AOK Bayern
- AOK Hessen
- AOK Niedersachsen
- AOK Nordost
- AOK Nordwest
- AOK Plus
- AOK Rheinland/Hamburg
- AOK Rheinland-Pfalz/Saarland
- AOK Sachsen-Anhalt
- Audi BKK
- BIG direkt
- BKK 24
- DAK Gesundheit
- energie BKK
- Hanseatische Krankenkasse
- HKK Krankenkasse
- IKK Berlin/Brandenburg
- IKK Classic
- KKH Kaufmännische Krankenkasse
- Mobil Krankenkasse
- Novitas BKK
- Techniker Krankenkasse
Such fine motor movements are only necessary in exceptional cases with the orthosis. The movement then comes from the shoulder and upper arm instead of the brace, where the movement comes normally. Writing will be partially possible.
5 steps to exomotion® hand one
- Make an appointment for a consultation at the medical supply store
- Plaster appointment
- First fitting
- Final fitting
- Follow-up
Further details on the supply route can be found here.
For patients who are not eligible for a treatment with the exomotion hand one, there could be the possibility of a custom-made fitting with the exomotion® passive hand or passive finger fittings. This alternative is often chosen when the main aspect is a stretch deficit.
Whether the exomotion® hand one is a suitable aid for you must be checked on site. Please ask a care partner in your area for advice on whether you can be fitted with the exomotion® hand one.
An overview of a care partner in your area can be found here.
Even in the case of bilateral paralysis, it is possible to be fitted with one or two orthoses. Depending on the degree of paralysis, the help of a third party may be required to put on and take off the orthoses. The availability of help should be clarified in advance of care.
Possible causes of paralysis can be:
- Plexusparese
- Stroke
- Multiple sclerosis
- Polyneuropathy
- Traumatic brain injury
- Spinal muscular atrophy
- Cervical paraplegia (complete or incomplete)
- etc.
The exomotion® hand one is available in all colours of the RAL K7 colour chart (except metallic and pearlescent). Depending on the desired colour, there may be different delivery times.
The exomotion® hand one is controlled by an EMG sensor. This measures the myoelectric signals on the skin, which are the electrical voltages that arise when you tense a muscle. It is positioned on the skin over a muscle that you can still control. Depending on how many and which muscles you can still tense, a suitable control will be selected for you.
The sensor does not emit any electrical pulses, it has the sole task of detecting signals.
No. The exomotion® hand one is used exclusively as an aid for the treatment of long-term impairments in adults. In accordance with its intended purpose for medical devices, it has no therapeutic benefit in the sense of supporting healing.
The orthoses can be cleaned with mild detergents and disinfected with wipes.
As part of the maintenance, more intensive cleaning work can be carried out.
If the brace is worn all day, the battery needs to be charged at night. If you use it for a few hours a day, the battery can last for several days.
Through the Academy for Hand Rehabilitation you can find hand therapists in your area.
Alternatively, you can put us in touch with your therapist so that we can explain the product to them.
Search our supply partner map for trained medical supply stores in your area. Alternatively, you can put us in touch with your medical supply store so that we can explain the product to them and check the possibility of training.
The following points can give you an overview of which care requirements should be met:
- You don’t have a cardio/brain pacemaker
- You can straighten your metatarsophalangeal joints (“knuckles”) with your other hand and bend them at least 70°
- You can lay your hand flat on a table without much effort. The fingers are stretched (slight flexion in the fingers is fine)
- You can use the non-paralyzed hand to shove a glass of water/cup into the paralyzed hand
- You are willing to deal with the operation of a technical aid
- You can actively move your shoulder and elbow and bring your hand to your mouth
If the flexion force of your elbow is restricted, the exomotion® hand one can be extended to include mechanical elbow support. Here, too, one of our care partners will advise you.
Yes, the brace of the exomotion® hand one with the sensor definitely. The mechanical elbow support does not have to be directly on the skin.
5 years, subject to the prescribed service and maintenance intervals.
The exomotion® hand one can be used alone or in combination with an upper arm splint for mechanical elbow support. You can find more information about the structure and product functionality on our website and in the “Patient” brochure.
Yes, with the pulse and 2-channel controls, the grip force can be controlled via the signal amplitude. The higher the amplitude, the stronger the grip force.
There is splash water protection according to IP 22, which means that the exomotion® hand one can withstand the demands of daily use and can also be used safely in environments with increased humidity or light splashing water. However, we recommend that you do not submerge the brace in water under any circumstances or use it under heavily flowing water to ensure optimal function and longevity.
Reimbursement of costs is not a problem with good preparation and given medical indications, even without an aid number. Your medical supply store will take care of the process for you. You will not incur any costs or co-payments outside of the prescription fee.
Let us or our supply partners advise you.
For medical supply stores
Yes, this is possible via so-called customizing. As a result, the exomotion® hand one has often been combined with a Wilmer carrying orthosis.
5 years, subject to the prescribed service and maintenance intervals.
Requirements for your business
- Training by HKK Bionics GmbH
- Desirable: 3D scanner (quality Artec Eva or comparable, tablet scanner not sufficient)
- Desirable: Experience in working with myoelectric systems, e.g. prostheses
- Optional: HTV silicone workshop (qualified personnel, air conditioning, roller, etc.)
- Optional: In-house design, 3D printing experience
- Two-day technical training including training documents (for up to four orthopaedic technicians performing the treatment, we recommend the participation of more than one orthopaedic technician)
- Detailed on-site instruction at your premises with joint screenings and theory (for orthopaedic technicians, sales representatives, therapists internal/external, doctors and all other interested parties)
- Accompaniment of restorations
- Certificate + Listing on the HKK Bionics homepage
- Tool set
The two-day technical training will take place in Nuremberg.
Temperature sensors are installed in the drives that continuously measure the temperature. At a temperature of 42°, the orthosis switches off automatically. This protects the skin from damage, which is especially important if, for example, the patient no longer has any sensitivity in the arm/hand. In addition, we do not recommend ordering a black bracer to reduce heating in summer.
Please contact our sales team for sample templates and helpful tips. We will also be happy to assist you with the formulation.
Give us a call or send an e-mail to
Employees of the medical supply store are responsible for the production of the exomotion® hand one as a custom-made product. In addition, the orthosis is maintained and checked by these employees according to the maintenance and service plan. HKK Bionics employees are involved in the production of the modular system and the brace as well as in the maintenance and servicing of the orthoses sent in.
For Doctors and Therapists
Yes, there is a trial supply for 3 months, which is partially credited in the case of a definitive restoration.
The exomotion® hand one is controlled by an EMG sensor. This measures the myoelectric signals on the skin, which are the electrical voltages that arise when you tense a muscle. It is positioned on the skin over a muscle that you can still control. Depending on how many and which muscles you can still tense, a suitable control will be selected for you.
The sensor does not emit any electrical pulses, it has the sole task of detecting signals.
Yes, among other things, because the EMG sensor has to lie directly on the skin to dissipate a good signal and to keep the volume low.
For patients who are not eligible for a treatment with the exomotion hand one, there could be the possibility of a custom-made fitting with the exomotion® passive hand or passive finger fittings. This alternative is often chosen when the main aspect is a stretch deficit.
- Good support for bilateral activities and relief for the unaffected hand
- The hand fitted with the orthosis remains an assistance hand and is not a fully-fledged replacement
- The overall operational capability depends on the remaining functionality in the shoulder and elbow
- The grip strength of the orthosis is limited so as not to injure the fingers, the passive holding force is higher
- In hot temperatures and intensive use, the brace can switch off for your safety
That depends on how quickly the health insurance company approves the orthosis. As soon as we have received the order after the approval of the assumption of costs, approx. 6-12 weeks until the individual orthosis has been made by a care partner and is ready to be tried on.
No, the signal can also be derived from other muscles on the upper body when there is no more muscle activity on the forearm.
No. The exomotion® hand one is used exclusively as an aid for the treatment of long-term impairments in adults. In accordance with its intended purpose for medical devices, it has no therapeutic benefit in the sense of supporting healing.
The arm unit has a weight of 620-680 grams, the control unit with the integrated battery is worn on the belt, waistband or in a bag and weighs 500 grams.
Even in the case of bilateral paralysis, it is possible to be fitted with one or two orthoses. Depending on the degree of paralysis, the help of a third party may be required to put on and take off the orthoses. The availability of help should be clarified in advance of care.
Patient-specific electric hand orthosis [ADD PAGE] with modular system exomotion hand one and arm splint exomotion hand one. [Diagnosis]
Patient-specific electric hand orthosis [ADD PAGE] with modular system exomotion hand one and arm splint exomotion® hand one elbow passive, as well as an upper arm socket with dynamic elbow joints for strength support and positioning. [Diagnosis]
Depending on the patient, it is possible, but takes practice. In the case of those affected on both sides, it may be that you always have to rely on help with getting dressed.
Reimbursement of costs is not a problem with good preparation and given medical indications, even without an aid number. Your medical supply store will take care of the process for you. You will not incur any costs or co-payments outside of the prescription fee.
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