
Why is plastering so important for a patient who is to be fitted with a hand orthosis of the exomotion® product family?
Gipsabdruck zur Erstellung der exomotion hand one

A patient’s hand and arm are plastered as the first step in the production of the patient-specific orthosis, i.e. as soon as the application for the exomotion® hand orthosis has been accepted by the payer. Plastering is important for the optimal fit of the hand orthosis. Each exomotion® hand orthosis is individually adapted to the patient by the medical supply store – the comfortable fit is a minimum requirement.

Plastering creates a copy of the hand on which the orthopaedic technician can later work in peace.

For plastering, the orthopaedic technician needs, among other things, a tape measure and measurement sheets, marking pen, caliper, plaster bandages and, of course, cold water.

The patient’s hand and arm are placed in a position splint for plastering – first the fingers, then the wrist and the top of the forearm are plastered, and finally the cast is closed from below. The plaster shells are then detached from the arm, reassembled and filled with plaster – this creates a copy of the anatomy of the hand and forearm. On this basis, the orthopaedic technician can then manufacture the patient-specific exomotion® hand orthosis.

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