Der FAST-Test

A lifesaver in the fight against strokes
Nahaufnahme einer jungen Ärztin, die sich zu einer lächelnden älteren Patientin beugt, die ihre Hand in den Händen hält

In today’s fast-paced world, it is crucial to recognize the symptoms of a stroke quickly and correctly. The FAST test is a proven and easy-to-learn tool that helps to quickly identify stroke symptoms and take immediate action. Below you will find out what the FAST test involves, why it is so important and how you can use it correctly.

What is the FAST test?

The FAST test is an acronym that stands for the four main symptoms of a stroke. It was developed to help people recognize strokes quickly and provide immediate medical help. The acronym FAST stands for:

  • F – Face: Ask the person if they can smile. Note whether one side of the face is drooping or appears asymmetrical. If one side of the face can no longer move properly, this could be a sign of a stroke.

  • A – Arms: Ask the person to raise both arms. Check to see if one arm sinks lower or has difficulty staying raised. Weakness or paralysis in one arm may also indicate a stroke.

  • S – Speech: Have the person repeat a simple sentence. Pay attention to whether the speech sounds slurred, slurred or strange. Difficulty speaking or understanding is often a sign of a stroke.

  • T – Time: Time is of the essence. If you notice any of the above symptoms, do not delay and seek medical help immediately. The faster the stroke is treated, the better the chances of a full recovery.

Why is the FAST test important?

The FAST test is an important part of public health education because it allows strokes to be detected early. A stroke is a medical emergency that requires immediate treatment. Every minute counts as the damage to the brain can progress with every moment that passes. The FAST test is easy to perform and can be used by anyone to make quick decisions that can save lives.

The FAST test is straightforward to use but requires quick and accurate responses. It provides a clear and structured method to identify the symptoms of a stroke, which is crucial for timely and effective treatment.

Using the FAST test in everyday life

The FAST test should be made known to the general public on a regular basis. The simple and easy-to-understand method can be used by anyone to detect stroke symptoms. It is important that family members, friends and colleagues know about the FAST test and are able to use it when necessary.

In practice, the FAST test can be of great importance both in emergencies and in medical education. It can help to increase awareness of the symptoms of stroke and give people the skills to respond appropriately in an emergency.


The FAST test is a vital part of early stroke detection and can help provide fast and effective medical help. By simply checking the face, arms and speech and acting quickly if a stroke is suspected, lives can be saved.

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