An increasing number of large statutory health insurers have already covered the costs of exomotion® hand one. In addition, costs are covered by company and private health insurance companies. For further and up-to-date information, please do not hesitate to contact us. The following German health insurance companies have already recognized the groundbreaking potential of orthoses of the exomotion® family and have approved innovative treatments for their patients:

  1. AOK Baden-Württemberg
  2. AOK Bayern
  3. AOK Hessen
  4. AOK Niedersachsen
  5. AOK Nordost
  6. AOK Nordwest
  7. AOK Plus
  8. AOK Rheinland/Hamburg
  9. AOK Rheinland-Pfalz/Saarland
  10. AOK Sachsen-Anhalt
  11. Audi BKK
  12. BARMER
  13. BIG direkt
  14. BKK 24
  15. BMW BKK
  16. DAK Gesundheit
  17. energie BKK
  18. Hanseatische Krankenkasse
  19. HKK Krankenkasse
  20. IKK Berlin/Brandenburg
  21. IKK Classic
  22. KKH Kaufmännische Krankenkasse
  24. Mobil Krankenkasse
  25. Novitas BKK
  26. SBK
  27. Techniker Krankenkasse
Next event : Aftercare Congress 2025 - 10.04.2025 - 11.04.2025